SECOND SEMESTER OF 2024- STF/TST STF (Supreme Federal Court) 1. Employment Relationship Between App-Based Drivers and Digital Platform Companies (Tema 1.291 – RE 1446336) On December 9, 2024, and December 10, 2024, the Supreme Federal Court (STF) held two public hearings to debate the rights and obligations between app drivers and digital platform companies, given … Ler mais


2º SEMESTRE DE 2024- STF/TST STF 1. Vínculo empregatício entre motoristas de aplicativo e empresas de plataforma digital (Tema 1.291 -RE 1446336) Nos dias 09/12/2024 e 10/12/2024, o Supremo Tribunal Federal-STF realizou duas audiências públicas para debater os direitos e deveres entre motoristas de aplicativo e empresas de plataforma digital, ante repercussão geral do tema. … Ler mais

Contracts with Foreign Companies and the Forum Selection Clause

It is common for many medium-sized and large Brazilian companies to enter into various contracts with foreign companies. The types of contracts often entered into there are distribution agreements, services agreements, transfer of technology agreements, joint ventures, franchising agreements, agency agreements, among many others. An important aspect that must be considered during negotiations and the … Ler mais

Contratos com empresas estrangeiras e a Cláusula de Eleição de Foro

Sabemos que faz parte do cotidiano de muitas empresas brasileiras de médio e grande porte a celebração de contratos de toda sorte com empresas estrangeiras. Dentre os contratos comumente avençados vemos os contratos de distribuição, de prestação de serviços, de transferência de tecnologia, joint venture, de franquia, de agência, entre tantos outros. Um importante aspecto … Ler mais

Intestinal Transplantation and lawsuits seeking to oblige the state to cover the costs

Lately, the question whether the state has an obligation to pay for treatments for rare diseases with serious health consequences has been much discussed. Microvillus inclusion disease is an extremely serious inflammatory disease, whose sole treatment is intestinal transplantation, since the affected patients have a deficient protein absorption, and their sole source of nutrition are … Ler mais

New Rules Regarding Angel Investors Become Effective in Brazil

On January 1st, 2017, rules applicable to investments made on “micro-enterprises” (companies with annual gross revenue lower than R$360,000.00) and “small-enterprises” (companies with annual gross revenue lower than R$4,800,000.00) by angel-investors, became effective for the first time in our country’s legal system, through Supplementary Law # 155 dated as of October 27th, 2016 (Sections 61-A, … Ler mais

Energy Bills – According to the STJ the Rates TUST and TUSD should not be included in the VAT calculation

The price composition of energy bills includes the Rate for Usage of the Transmission System for Electrical Energy (TUST), if connected to the network of a transmission concessionaire (Furnas, Chesf, etc.) or the Rate for Usage of the Distribution System for Electrical Energy (TUSD), if connected to the network of a distribution concessionaire (Eletropaulo, CPFL, etc.). … Ler mais

Public Traded Companies in Foreign Markets, Investigated for Corruption in Brazil, Can Be Sued in These Jurisdictions by Investors

Since March of 2014, when Brazilian authorities uncovered “Operation Carwash”, dozens of executives and companies have been investigated and found guilty in Brazil, including Brazilian companies with American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) traded in the New York Stock Exchange or Over-the-Counter (OTC) markets in the United States and foreign companies publicly traded in other jurisdictions. Companies … Ler mais