Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (LL.B., 1984); Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Graduate Programme in European Law, 1987); The Hague Academy of International Law (Public International Law, 1987); Universidade de São Paulo (Business Law Graduate Program, 1988), Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (LL.M., 2004/credits accomplished);
Brazilian Bar Association; Association of Lawyers of Sao Paulo; American Chamber of Commerce – AMCHAM; Swiss-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce – Swisscam and District of Columbia Bar Association, admitted as a Consultant in Foreign Law;
Professor at Universidade São Francisco (1992).
Editor and Co-editor of the book “Biodiversidade e Propriedade Intelectual” (2001);
Business Law, Litigation and Environmental Law;
Portuguese, English and Spanish;
(+55 11) 3040.4981
Master in International Law (University of Sao Paulo – Law School, 2016); Master in Law, major in International Legal Studies (American University, Washington, DC, 2001); Bachelor of Laws (Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas – FMU, 1995)
Brazilian Bar Association and Association of Lawyers of São Paulo
Dean of FMU University (Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas), Professor of Civil Law and International Law; Former Head of FMU and Anhembi Morumbi Law Schools; Former lawyer of the IDB – Inter-american Development Bank (Washington DC); Founder of the Refugees’ Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association (São Paulo section)
Author of the books “Direito para Cursos Jurídicos e Não Jurídicos” (2011, Editora Saraiva), “Direito à Diversidade” (2015, Editora Atlas), “Aspectos da Unificação Europeia” (2016, Editora Intelecto) e “Famílias Internacionais: Seus Direitos e Seus Deveres” (2016, Editora Intelecto)
Corporate Law and Litigation
Portuguese, English and Spanish
Master of Laws – LL.M (University of Westminster – Westminster Law School, 2015); Bachelor of Laws, LL.B (Salesiano University Center – Law School, 1999)
Brazilian Bar Association; Association of Lawyers of São Paulo
Commercial Law, Corporate Law, Real Estate Law, Contract Law and Litigation;
Portuguese and English
Master in Civil Procedure (Universidade de São Paulo – USP, 2011); Basics of the US Legal System and US Legal Analysis (American University Washington College of Law, 2017); US Business Law and Professional Skills (American University Washington College of Law, 2017); Advocacy and Oral Skills (American University Washington College of Law, 2017); Graduate Program in Civil Procedure (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2001); Graduate Program in Constitutional Law (Brazilian Institute of Constitutional Law – IBDC, 1998); Bachelor of Laws, LLB (Universidade de São Paulo – USP, 1993)
: Professor of Real Estate Law in the Graduate Program of FMU – Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas, 2018/2020
Brazilian Bar Association
Civil Law, Commercial Law, Civil Litigation, Consumer Law and Banking Law
Portuguese, English and Italian
Master of Corporate Law, MCL (University of Cambridge, 2022); Master of Corporate Law Candidate (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC/SP, expected completion 2025); Bachelor of Laws, LLB (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC/SP, 2020).
Brazilian Bar Association
Professors’ assistant in FGV’s Corporate Law Postgraduate Programme (2024)
Corporate Law, Contracts, and Third Sector Law
Portuguese, English, French and Spanish
Business Administration Graduate Program (IBMEC, 2004); Bachelor of Laws, LL.B. (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2001)
Brazilian Bar Association
Corporate Law and Contracts
Portuguese, English and Spanish
Postgraduate Degree in Labor Law and Labor Procedure (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUC/RS, 2022); Postgraduate Degree in Labor Law and Labor Procedure (Faculdade Legale, 2018); Bachelor of Laws (Faculty of Law of Sorocaba – FADI, 2014)
Brazilian Bar Association
Labor Litigation (Judicial and Administrative)
Labor Advisory and Preventive Consulting
Portuguese and English
Bachelor of Laws, LL.B. (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC/SP, 2022)
Brazilian Bar Association
Brazilian Bar Association
Portuguese and English
Master’s student in Civil Law (Universidade de Lisboa); Graduate Program in Civil Procedure (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC/SP, 2016); Bachelor of Laws, LL.B. (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2011)
Brazilian Bar Association
Civil Litigation, Business Law, Contracts, Environmental Law and Real Estate Law
Portuguese, English and Spanish
Master of Corporate Governance Candidate (Post-Graduate Program of FMU/UNIFESP); Graduate Program in Civil Procedure (Escola Superior da Advocacia – ESA, 2015); Bachelor of Laws, LL.B (Faculdade de Direito de Sorocaba, 2011)
recipient of the “João de Camargo” Social Responsibility Award and honorable mention from the Legislative House of Sorocaba/SP. She served as President of the OAB/SP Racial Equality Committee, Sorocaba Section; and participated of OAB/SP Human Rights Committee, Sorocaba Section; Truth Committee (Slavery) OAB/SP; Municipal Council of Black People (Sorocaba/SP).
Brazilian Bar Association
Human Rights & Public Policies; Corporate Governance & ESG; Civil Litigation; Corporate Law; Contracts
Portuguese and English
Master in Environmental Law (Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, 2009); Bachelor of Laws, LL.B. (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2004)
Member of Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Urbanístico – IBDU (since 2005); Guest Researcher at Université Paris I (2016)
Brazilian Bar Association
Contratos, Direito Ambiental, Terceiro Setor
Portuguese, French and English
Bachelor of Laws, LLB (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC/SP, 2022).
Brazilian Bar Association
Civil Litigation, Business Law, Contracts, Environmental Law and Real Estate Law
Portuguese and English
Ph.D. and Master’s Degree in Social Relations Law – Social Security Law (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo – PUC/SP, 2025 and 2011); Specialist in Data Protection and Privacy (Presbyterian University Mackenzie, 2020); Postgraduate Degree in Labor and Social Security Law (Gama Filho University, 2006); Bachelor of Laws (Faculty of Law of São Bernardo do Campo, 1998)
Guest professor of postgraduate courses, preparatory courses for public competitions and professional updating in the subjects of material and procedural law of Labor and Social Security Law.
Brazilian Bar Association
Labor Law and Social Security Law
Master in Labour Law (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo – USP, 1983); Bachelor of Laws, LL.B. (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo – USP, 1980)
Secretary-General of the Human Rights Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association – São Paulo Section
Brazilian Bar Association
Administrative Law
Portuguese and French
Holding a degree in law from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1998). Specializing in Procedural Law at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2002). Master degree in Environmental Law from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2005). A Master´s degree in Civil Law at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2008). A Doctorate in social relations rights at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2013) and currently working as a senior lecturer in the undergraduate programme, in the civil law and public procurement disciplines at Fundação Getulio Vargas in São Paulo – Brazil.
Brazilian Bar Association
Environmental Law; Consumer Law; Civil Responsability; Sustainability; Compliance and ESG
Associate Professor (livre-docente), PhD and Master in Diffuse Rights (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC/SP, 2022, 2003 and 2000); Bachelor of Philosophy (Universidade de São Paulo – USP, 1986); Bachelor of Laws (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC/SP, 1979)
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Undergraduate and Graduate Professor in Law in the following areas: Environmental Law, Consumer Protection Law, and Legal Philosophy. (1990 – currently); São Paulo State Attorney: Consulting services at Environment Secretary of the State of São Paulo, participated in the preparation of the following laws and regulations (1981 – February, 2017): Ecological-Economic Zoning of the Coastal Zone, State Policy of Solid-Waste, Secretariat for the Environment of São Paulo state organizational structure, State Climate Change Policy; Payment for Ecosystem Service Models, Environmental Licensing of the State of São Paulo, Environmental Rural Register, Sistema de Informações e Gestão de Áreas Protegidas e de Interesse Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo – SIGAP, Security Directives for Soil Quality Conservation and Contaminated Areas Management; Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Environmental Law for Escola Superior da Procuradoria Geral; São Paulo State’s Assistant Environment Minister (2015); Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo: Assistant Director of Law Course (2009-2013); Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo: Coordinator of Law Course (2007 – 2009); São Paulo State Assistant Environment: Superior advisor (1995 – 1997); São Paulo State PROCON Foundation: Executive director (1998 – 1994); United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); External Consultant in the preparation of the Human Development Report. Subject: Consumption Patterns in Human Development (1998); São Paulo State Board of Education: Member (1988 – 1989); Greenpeace Brasil: President of the Superior Council and member (2009 – 2011); Advisor of the Committee that drawn up the Brazilian Consumer Defense Code (1989 – 1990); São Paulo State Attorney: Member of the “Escola Superior da Procuradoria Geral”; Ministry of Justice: Member of the Special Commission set up by the Nacional Board of Consumer Protection to discuss consumer regulatory issues; and Memeber of the Following Board of Directors: Consumers International; Brazilian Consumer Defense Institute (IDEC); Project Children and Consumption of the Alana Institute; São Paulo Municipal PROCON Foundation, representing the IDEC; São Paulo State PROCON Foundation, representing Brazilian Institute of Consumer Policy and Defense (BRASILCON).
Diretor Adjunto da Faculdade de Direito da PUC/SP; Coordenador da Faculdade de Direito da PUC/SP; Chefe do Departamento de Direitos Difusos e Coletivos; Membro do Conselho Estadual de Educação do Estado de São Paulo; Membro do Conselho da Escola Superior da Procuradoria Geral do Estado de São Paulo; Coordenador do Curso de Especialização de Direito Ambiental da Escola Superior da Procuradoria Geral do Estado;
Books: A Formação do Sistema Nacional de Defesa do Consumidor, Revista dos Tribunais publishing company; A Construção do Direito do Consumidor: um estudo sobre as origens das leis principiológicas de defesa do consumidor, Atlas publishing company; Comentários ao Código de Defesa do Consumidor, coordination, Editora Verbatim (in partnership); Consumo Sustentável, Ministry of Justice Press (in partnership); Agências Reguladoras e Tutela de Consumidores. Brasília: Secretariat for Legislative Matters – Ministry of Justice; Consumo Sustentável. São Paulo: Secretariat of the Environment, Official Press of the State of São Paulo; Entendendo a ISO 14.000, book of Entendendo o Meio Ambiente. São Paulo: Official Press of the State of São Paulo – Secretariat of the Environment (in partnership); Articles: Duas palavrinhas importantes: uma ausente, outra presente. In: Lais Fontenelle. (Org.). Criança e Consumo: 10 anos de transformação. First edition, São Paulo: Alana Institute, 2016, p. 298-314; Brazilian Consumer Movement. In: Stephen Brobeck; Robert N. Mayer. (Org.). Wathdogs and Whishsleblowers. First edition Santa Barbara – California: Greenwood, 2015, v. 1, p. 47-52; Zoneamento Econômico-Ecológico na zona costeira. In: Maria Luiza Machado Granziera; Alcindo Gonçalves; Rodrigo More. (Org.). Os Desafios da zona costeira. Firts edition, São Paulo: Essencial Ideia publishing company, 2014, p. 72-99; Objetivos, princípios e deveres da Política Nacional das Relações de Consumo. In: Marcelo Gomes Sodré; Fabíola Meira; Patrícia Caldeira. (Org.). Comentários ao Código de Defesa do Consumidor. First edition, São Paulo: Verbatim publishing company, 2009, v. 1, p. 35 – 48; Dignidade Planetária: o direito e o consumo sustentável. In: Jorge Miranda; Marco Antônio Marques da Silva. (Org.). Tratado Luso-Brasileiro de Dignidade Humana. São Paulo: Quartier do Brasil, 2008, v. 1, p. 1163 – 1175; O direito e a sociedade de consumo. In: Ricardo Mendes Antas Jr.: Ladislau Dowbor. (Org.). Desafios do Consumo, São Paulo: Vozes, 2007, v. 1, p. 115 – 132; Relevant Aspects of the Provisional Remedy n. 2126-08, de 25/01/01 – Access To Genetic Resources. In: Secretariat of the Environment of São Paulo state. (Org.). Biodiversity and Intellectual Propriety, 2002; Produção e Consumo Sustentáveis. In: Aspásia Camargo; João Paulo R. Capobianco, José Antônio Puppim de Oliveira. (org.). Meio Ambiente: Brasil. First Edition, São Paulo: Estação Liberdade, 2002, v. 1, p. 447 – 449; Como estimular o cidadão brasileiro a produzir e consumir de forma sustentável. In; Instituto Socioambiental e Fundação Getúlio Vargas. (Org.) Meio Ambiente: Brasil: avanços e obstáculos pós Rio 92: Estação Liberdade, 2001; O que o brasileiro pensa do meio ambiente, do desenvolvimento e da sustentabilidade – responsible for report about the specific topic of Sustainable consumption. In: Ministry of the Environment, ISER. (Org.). O que o brasileiro pensa do meio ambiente, 2001; 25 anos do Procon. In: São Paulo State PROCON Foundation. (Org.). 25 anos do Procon. São Paulo: Procon, 2001; Cidades Sustentáveis – counsellor. In: Ministry of Environment. (Org.). Agenda 21 brasileira – Bases para a discussão. Brasília: Ministry of Environment, 2000; Rotulagem Ambiental: diagnóstico Brasil. In Consumers International. (Org.). Eco etiquetagem e consumidores. Santiago – Chile: Consumers International, 1999; Sociedad de Consumo, Protección del meio Ambiente y Educación. In: Consumers International. (Org.). Programa Educacional del Consumidor – Documentos. Santiago – Chile: Consumers International, 1999, p. 1-15, in paternship with LARENAS, Stefan. Padrões de Consumo e Globalização – Human Development Report of 1998, UNPD – United Nations Development Program – responsible for Brazilian report. In: UNPD – United Nations Development Program. (Org.). Human Development Reportof 1998. Lisboa: Trinova Editora, 1998; Guia Pedagógico do Lixo. In: Secretariat of the Environment– São Paulo. (Org.). Guia Pedagógico do Lixo. São Paulo: Official Press of São Paulo, 1998; Padrões de Consumo e Meio Ambiente. In Secretariat of the Environment of são Paulo state; CIEL – Center for International Environmental law – Washington. (Org.). Comércio e Meio ambiente: Direito, Economia e Política. São Paulo: Official Press – Secretariat of the Environment; Guia didático sobre o Lixo no Mar. In: Secretariat of the Environment of são Paulo state; EPA – United States Environmental Protection Agency. (Org.). Guia Didático sobre o lixo no mar. São Paulo: Secretariat of the Environment, 1997; Relatório Sobre o Desenvolvimento Humano no Brasil – 1996. In: UNPD – United Nations Development Programme; IPEA – Institute of Applied Economic Research. (Org.). Human Development Report of Brazil – 1996. Brasília.
Brazilian Bar Association
Environmental Law and Consumers Rights
Bachelor of Laws, LL.B. (University of São Paulo, 1980)
Brazilian Bar Association, Association of Lawyers of São Paulo
Civil Law, Family Law, Administrative Law and Labour Law
PhD in Constitutional and Tax Procedure Law (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo); Masters and Graduate Programs in Legal-Political Sciences (University of Lisbon, 2009 and 2005); Graduate Program in Tax Law (IBET / IBDT, 2000); Bachelor of Laws, LL.B. (Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas – FMU, 1999)
Professor of Tax Law, Administrative Law and Economic Law of the Federal University of Goiás – UFG; Member of the Editorial Board of the International Tax Law Journal of which he is co-founder; ex-Member of Administrative Council of Tax Appeals of the Ministry of Finance – CARF
Organizer and co-author of the books “Comments to the National Tax Code”, MP Editora (2005) and New CPC and the Tax Procedure. Contemplar, (2016). Co-author “IPTU – Relevant Legal Aspects” (2002); “Individual Income Tax” – V.2.1
Brazilian Bar Association
Tax Law
Portuguese, English and Italian
Masters and Graduate Program in Environmental Law (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC/SP, 2014); Bachelor of Laws, LL.B. (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo – USP/SP, 1983)
Former São Paulo State Attorney: Legal advice to the State Privatization Program – PED/SP; specifically on the creation of Electronic Commodity Exchange of the State of São Paulo – BEC/SP, electronic system responsible for the bidding and public contracting of the State of São Paulo; and on the incorporation of the sustainable public procurement project of the State of São Paulo ( 1984 – February, 2017); Consulting – environmental area of the State of São Paulo; Responded as the manager of the Legal Advice of the Secretary of the State of the environment, with participation in the elaboration of rules (resolution, executive order and act) relative to licensing and environmental inspections; to the establishment of guidelines and procedures for soil quality protection and management of contaminated areas; to the institute the ecological-economic zoning of the coastal zone; to the São Paulo State Climate Change Policy; creation of the Environmental Rural Registration (CAR/ SP); regularization procedures of rural properties in the state of São Paulo due to enactment of Federal Law no. 12.651/ 2012; to the creation of projects for payments for environmental services; to the creation of the State Forest System SIEFLOR/ SP) and the Management Information System of Protected and Areas of Environmental Interest of São Paulo State (SIGAP/ SP); São Paulo State Attorney: Guest Professor at Escola Superior da Procuradoria Geral; Fundação Getúlio Vargas: Guest teacher at Economy course; Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo: Guest Professor at Specialization General Department (COGEAE); Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo: Researcher
Books: Author of “Competência para o Licenciamento Ambiental na Lei Complementar nº 140/ 2011” (São Paulo: Atlas publishing company, 2015); Articles: Author of “A licitação como instrumento para implementação de políticas públicas voltadas á proteção ambiental” (Revista da Procuradoria Geral do Estado de São Paulo: 2012 v. 75, p. 327-344). Co-author of “Zoneamento ecológico-econômico como instrumento essencial da política nacional do meio ambiente a ser considerado no licenciamento ambiental” (Revista da Procuradoria Geral do Estado de São Paulo: 2012, v. 3, p. 165-190)
Brazilian Bar Association
Administrative Law and Environmental Law
MBA in Business and Economic Law (FGV, 2010); Environmental Law Postgraduate Programme (FGV, 2007); Bachelor of Laws specialized in Civil Litigation (Universidade de São Paulo – USP, 1980).
Brazilian Bar Association
Civil litigation, Contracts, Corporate law